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694 B

5 years ago
`include "../Defines.v"
module mem_wb(input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire[`RegAddrBus] mem_wd,
input wire mem_wreg,
input wire[`RegBus] mem_wdata,
output reg[`RegAddrBus] wb_wd,
output reg wb_wreg,
output reg[`RegBus] wb_wdata);
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
wb_wd <= `NOPRegAddr;
wb_wreg <= `WriteDisable;
wb_wdata <= `ZeroWord;
end else begin
wb_wd <= mem_wd;
wb_wreg <= mem_wreg;
wb_wdata <= mem_wdata;