# caddy_docker this is a docker image for Caddy. Thanks to [abiosoft](https://github.com/abiosoft/caddy-docker) ## why to build it the docker image from abiosoft has something wrong. I think it may have some wrong links/packages to get, and I try to use an unfriendly way to fix it. ## version caddy v1.0.5 ## default plugins ```dnspod```, ```filter```, ```cache```, ```minify```, ```expires```, ```realip```, ```cors``` ## how to add more plugins ### nomally 1. go to the [official website for plugins](https://caddyserver.com/v1/docs/http.filter).(for filter as example) 2. click the 'Full documentation' in the website. 3. copy the packages/repository link as like ```github.com/echocat/caddy-filter/```. 4. add it into 'builder.sh' following where you can see the word like that ```"import/path/here"``` (note: don't foget the ```_``` in front of it) 5. it's ok. ### specially as I know. some plugins you need do more things.(as cors for example). 1. do the same things like 1&2 in 'nomally' 2. you can see ```caddy``` folder in the repository, and in it there is a ```corsPlugin.go``` file. 3. open it can copy the content into ```builder.sh```.(you could see what I did, and just follow it to add other plugins like cors) ## build I use docker-compose to build the image. ```docker caddy: build: context: ./caddy container_name: caddy environment: - TZ= - DNSPOD_API_KEY= - DNSPOD_HTTP_TIMEOUT=10 volumes: - ./caddy/data/Caddyfile:/caddy/Caddyfile - ./caddy/data/certs:/caddy/certs - ./caddy/data/.caddy:/root/.caddy - ./www:/www/:rw ports: - 2015:2015 - 80:80 - 443:443 restart: always networks: - net-default ``` you need change ```context``` to where your Dockerfile is. ### change environment. ```TZ``` is time zone. if you use dnspod, you need ```DNSPOD_API_KEY``` like ```id,api_tokens```. if you use cloudflare, you need ```CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL``` and ```CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY``` you can get it from [cloudflare]( https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens) ## what's more you can get 'cloudflare' plugins from [it](https://github.com/caddyserver/dnsproviders/blob/master/cloudflare/cloudflare.go) then you can do like ```specially``` to add it or to see how I add the ```dnspod``` plugins. ## Thanks Thanks to [abiosoft](https://github.com/abiosoft/caddy-docker) again. What's more detail about build caddy v1 you can see [caddy v1.0.5](https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy/tree/v1.0.5)